Booking a clinic means we come to your location. We help solve issues and problems you or your horse is having, teach general horsemanship, and advance you and your horse in any area. Foundations Clinics are all about getting you the knowledge to better your horsemanship, and build the partnership between you and your horse. our Clinicians have years of experience working with horses and owners.
Types Of Clinics Available
One Day
In our one day clinic, a Foundations clinician will come out to help you and your horse for a scheduled day. common things addressed at one day clinics are things like getting horses ground manners better, round-penning exercises, teaching horses to stand, and trailer loading.
Two Day
In a Two day clinic, a Foundations clinician will come out for a scheduled two days. Common things addressed at a two day clinic are, picking up feet and standing for farrier. standing for worming. mid level ground work exercises, hauling and trailer loading, leading exercises, new horseman lessons. (horsemanship 101)
Three Day
The three day clinic is one of our most popular. During this a Foundations Clinician will come out for three days. Common things worked on at a three day clinic are issues under saddle, beginning colt starting, foal training, maneuvers under saddle, group sessions.
Clinics are scheduled in advance and pricing is based on mileage driven and number of participants. for multiple day and long distance clinics hotel stay will be included in price. out of state clinics are available. group sessions or single session available. Contact us for more info.
The location does not have to be on your property but we must have permission to be there. The location must be at a suitable working space safe for working with horses I.E. barn, arena or fenced pasture.