A confident trail horse like any other discipline is made through countless hours of training. Its formed from miles and miles of riding and being exposed to as much as possible. They are comfortable being out in a group or riding out alone. It is imperative that these horses get along well with other horses, stands tied and will load and trailer anywhere. feel free to take them camping and highline tie or hobble, they have been through it all. Safety is a priority with these horses, and even though any horse can spook from enough outside pressure they come back to you without bolting and little effort.
The Term bombproof is overused. Regardless of how much experience training or time a horse is still a prey animal, and thousands of years of instinct have given them heightened sensory awareness that humans do not have. What makes the difference is how the horse reacts in these situations. a good trail horse will not turn and run through your hands, but instead trust its rider and calm down once reassured. When riding out they are easily directed and guided around through, and over obstacles. They respond to cues to be moved laterally off leg pressure to make navigated through terrain easier. They must keep a calm head while walk trot and cantering down the trail or road. This also takes a rider being a confident leader, as a horse is a herd animal and innately follows a hierarchy that is either lead or follow. They keep focused on task and are not distracted by other horses around, even when riding away from the group and are enjoyable regardless of leading the ride or following behind.
A Foundations trail horse has these qualities and are picked for their calm temperament. Once their basic foundation is established, the focus shifts to training a horse that you can enjoy riding with anyone, anywhere.